Wednesday, June 30, 2010


As I am wandering through the video websites, I am exhilarated and overwhelmed at the same time. I often think I am overstimulated as I am experiencing all of these web tools. I try to look at as much as I can and try them out....I find that two to four hours can transpire while I am perusing the content of this course without much for an output.
I think I am figuring out what the tags and embedding mean. I have tried to link things and embed them, but I have not gotten things to work. I will continue to do so I hopefully can get something to work this weekend. :)
I have used video clips in my classes to discuss and connect current real world science. I can definitely see a purpose for demonstrating labs before we do them or labs that we do not have the equipment to execute the lab. I am wondering if time will be a limiting factor in my ability to use a lot of these videos right away. I am thinking all of these tools are a dynamic process and when I have a few minutes here and there, I will have to work on new videos. I also think that I will have to learn how to use these tools to dazzle my administrators so I can ask for video equipment so my kids can make them too.
I am very appreciative of the text for giving us websites to search for video clips....I am looking forward to viewing them all too.
It is hot and humid in north central ND....working inside is a blessing this evening. How is weather where all of you are tonight?


  1. I really like your idea of demonstrating a lab with a video ahead of time. I would love to do that for this week's assignment, however, I have no access to my lab - the school is locked up tight. Maybe I can plead with someone. I will try and do this during the school year because walking through each step with 35 students crammed around one desk can be chaotic and unclear. Thanks for the idea! Oh, and the weather here is hot, but "it's a dry heat" as everyone here would say. I had to go find AC somewhere, our house doesn't have it right now. Whew! Too hot to concentrate on homework anyway.

  2. I have tried unsuccessfully via the websites in the book to link lab videos..but I am still trying. :) Cyn

  3. Wish I could be more help, I just figured out how to convert and download youtube videos through zamzar, although it took some time. My next step is attempting to create audio and video myself that I can upload to my blog. It will probably take me forever but I will let you know when I figure it out! Good luck, hang in there, I'm feeling the same confusion as you!
